Friday, May 20, 2011

Jumpstart the kickstart

It's time to create the Fall/Winter 2011 collection need some hefty funds to make all the pretty designs reality.  Thus,  I made a kickstarter project to fund it.  There's some pretty awesome (super awesome) rewards to tickle your fancy.

A dollar, two, three, all would be apprecciated.  Doesn't matter if you donate out of curiosity or for a pretty necklace or ring, I'll be grateful for your donation.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Why do I kept getting asked if I'm returning to my homeland whenever I say I'm visiting whatever country in Asia? No...I'm just going for vacation...

Why do religious people sometimes seem to be the most sinful? Using religion as reason for..anything.  "The pilgrimage sites were quick to capitalize on the sometimes massive visitations.  In essence, they advertised the miraculous benefits that pilgrims might realize by visiting their towns, and reaped the economic rewards" I, a "heathen," would never do that.  and even if I did, I wouldn't try to hide behind the lame excuse of religion.  And this is why I distrust organized religion.  I want to walk up to a one of these so-called Christians one day and say " You sir, are sinful!" And wait patiently as they condemn me to hell with a range of synonyms and euphemisms so vast that Roget would be beaming.

Why do Oreos taste so good even though they're basically made from crap? Yes, a warm, chewy homemade cookie is divine but can it replace the  sandwich of crackly meagerness and chemical shortening filling that is The Oreo?

Why is it cool to be one of the guys, but totally not to be one of the girls?

a real character

I have a professor, who, though eager to please, always manages to press the wrong buttons. He's a people pleaser, but with a Castronian sense of how the people should be pleased.   In appearance, he is equal parts Roald Dahl character (perhaps a mix of Charlie Bucket and BFG--the Quentin Blake illustrations), the quintessential pasty pointed face that's perpetually flushed from either embarrassment or repressed rage that flourishes in the pages of British children's novels.  Gabe from the Office in nervous lankiness, Bill Nye the Science Guy with his neatly parted waves of amber grain as repressed as his anger.  If he were a Modern Family character, he would be Mitchell.  The bad cop that always wants to be the fun parent and desperately asserts it by exclaiming, "I AM easy-going, dammit!" while his face flushes once more and he punctuates the statement with a bang of his fist.