Monday, December 21, 2009

microeconomics final tomorrow

A price cap is a ceiling above which regulators do not permit prices to rise. The cap is designed to provide an efficiency incentive to the firm my allowing it to keep part of any savings in costs it can achieve.

Cross-subsidization means selling one product of the firm at a loss, which is balanced by higher profits on another of the firm's products.

Antitrust policy refers to programs and laws that preclude the deliberate creation of monopoly ad prevent powerful firms from engaging in related "anticompetitive practices."

Monopoly power (or market power) is the ability of a business firm to earn high profits by raising the prices of is products above competitive levels and to keep those prices high for a substantial amount of time.

Input-output analysis is a mathematical procedure that takes account of the interdependence among the economy's industries and determines the amount of output each industry must provide as inputs to the other industries in the economy.

An activity is said to generate a beneficial or detrimental externality if that activity causes incidental benefits or damages to others not directly involved in the activiy and no corresponding compensastion is provided to or paid by those who generate the externality.

Public goods cannot be financed by private enterprise, or at least not at socially desirable prices.

Happy Monday

I had kimchee. Today is a good day.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cydwoq Shoes (Or as I like to call them elf shoes)

A "few" of my favorites...I absolutely love how I can totally see a character in Lord of the Rings or Cinderella or some Victorian novel wearing them
1st 2: Mona Lisa Smile shoes
3rd: Cinderella or Jane Austen
Last 2: The elf shoes. The pointed toe...the simple winding elastic, the "dirty" color, yes.

I'm usually not into patterned shoes but these floral ones are growing on me. Ahhh I don't know which one's my favorite though. The contours of the 3rd one just kills me.

So gorgeous...but I can't look at their site too long otherwise I'll want them all...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Shirt masquerading as Dress shattered my heart/I'm dumb/ No snappy title here

I saw this picture in google images and was all :) :) :). Thought it was a rigid mini/tee dress and the tan parts were gold flocking and I was like, happiness! sunshine! lollipops!

But then I realized it was a printed t-shirt from blood is the new black. And then I was like broken heart. flooding tears. torrential rain.

Yeah it's awesome as well, but it's not the same.

So someone needs to get on it and make this (as of now nonexistent) dress for me.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Stomach for Shimmer Satisfied

71QB2French Connection Shimmery Shoulder Detail Shift

at French Connection. I wish it was a little lighter though, more silvery gray, less black.

eh, saw the dress in person, pretty flimsy and not that shimmery. And I'm kinda over the metallic thing now.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Amoeba Pair

Originally uploaded by kristyfruition

A pair of complementing amoeba from my Macro/Micro organisms series. The melted glass is meant to emulate both cytoplasm and swirling galaxies.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I have so many movies I need to watch and rewatch it makes me want to cry. Part of me wants to go with the flow and watch each one as it organically comes into my presence. But I like my (exponentially elongating) list, too.

Just some of them (or I guess most of them)

1. All Tim Burton Movies (especially Scissorhands, Big Fish, and Nightmare and excluding the Batman ones--those are for another session)
2. Batman to Batman & Robin
3. Alfred Hitchcock
4. Miyazaki

1. the conformist
2. synechdoche ny
3. reconstruction
4. being john malkovich
5. dogville
6. No country for old men
7. whip it cute. girl power. very drew barrymore
8. invention of lying
9. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
10. coco before chanel
11. across the universe
12. science of sleep (rewatch)
13. ghost world
14. napoleon dynamite
15. harold and maude
16. the lovely bones
17. invictus
18. up in the air
19. coraline
20. Princess Frog
21. Persepolis
22. House of Sand and Fog
23. Fantastic Mr. Fox so. awesome. like a carnivore version of chicken run.  definitely in the top 10 favorites.
24. Darjeeling Limited
25. In the Mood for Love

now what I don't have is a list of books. I'd still like to keep that rather spontaneous--or at least not jinx it by putting it on paper.

I read the plot summary of Hard Candy (bad of me). I will not be watching that anytime soon.

now this need to watch list makes me want to make a already did watch list of movies-- just to cross them off. Time for bed.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Jonathan Saunders

I know I'm way behind and this is completely the wrong season but I don't really believe in strictly coordinating clothes to times of the year. Of course woolen mittens and pea coats should be reserved for autumn and winter, but everything else should be worn whenever one wants, as long as weather permits. Thus, I think these dresses from Jonathan Saunders' Spring Collection 2009 need to be worn all 12 months.

wear it by itself in the spring and summer, and just pair with tights and boots in fall and winter--maybe even with some woolen mittens and a peacoat.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Words You See in Books All the Time but...

...are rarely said aloud in normal conversation.

1. Soberly
2. Chuckled
3. Swoon
4. Puzzled
5. Cried (the exclamation definition)
6. Snicker

to be continued..

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Part of my series exploring the correlation between microorganisms and cell bodies and celestial bodies like galaxies and planets.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Originally uploaded by kristyfruition
I found these vintage german glass beads and instantly knew I had to have them. I hastily cobbled together this rather rudimentary bracelet just so that I could wear the colors. It really is more of a assemblage of colors rather than a piece of jewelry, and I like that. I love how the colors are so bright, I love the matte finish, I love the simple yet uncommon shapes. Rough as it is, I kind of like it that way. The uneven knotting, the frayed thread, they all let the colors and textures of the beads take the spotlight.

It's interesting that the most basic of color groupings can still look so fresh.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Room With A View

A Room With A View
Originally uploaded by kristyfruition
This is what I see looking out my window. It's literally straight across from my room and the people look so tiny in their respective apartments and it's like watching a movie. Sometimes I think about how cool it would be if we were friends and then we could make and use those telephones made out of 2 cups and a string and then I remember that I don't know them at all and it's probably really easy for them to look into my room so make sure you don't change in front of the window.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Someday #2

Some day...I will have black and white checkered tiles in my kitchen.

Friday, December 4, 2009


A ring from the shop


I drew this a couple of years ago in plain pencil and then added hints of color: The slightest wash of blue sky, yellow shading under the wing, and a bright red dot of a poison berry that almost corrupts the subtlety of the colors if it weren't so small and ...lonely.

I have a love-hate relationship with birds. On one hand the beady eyes, the mechanical movements, the sinister roles in folklore, skeeve me out. On the other, they're so interesting looking--the texture, the colors, and of course, they can fly.

the italicizing of the word "fly" just cheesified this post. congratulations.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Metallic Tee

I like this spin on the metallic trend. It's not too flashy (like an entire dress made of sequins) or liquidly-shiny--just the right amount of sheen for a futuristic vibe.

By Linda Loudermilk at Beklina

Appetite for Apatite

I could stare at these rocks all day long.
Like little nuggets of seawater.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It's a new month and do you know what that means, Kristy? I can listen to pandora again! I don't know why that makes me feel so content--but it does. I know I can just pay ninety-nine cents to listen for free for the whole month but I feel that it would be some sort of gateway drug for me. Maybe that's why I've never experimented with real drugs-- I know I have no self-control (evidence A: salt & vinegar chips)--that, and the bloodshot eyes.

O Sin, Thy name is Salt and Vinegar CHIPS


I don't like making blatant spelling/grammar mistakes

See full size image

I'm lazy too

File:Garfield panel 8 Aug 1978.png

Someday #1

I don't know exactly what my dream home would look like, but there are certain things that are absolutely necessary.

A bathtub with feet.

from lofnz

Tree of Life

The Tree of Life, Stoclet Frieze, c.1909 Art Print
I have this Klimt poster hanging above my bed. I love the textural pattern and emotion that characterize his works.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I love this dress by seedclothing. Sadly, it's not available in my size. I love the nude color with the thin black insets that frame the front. Even though it's inspired by shift dresses of the 1960s, The form also reminds me of a chinese qipao. Simple.

My first post /Happy Tuesday/Happy December

Having a brain fart right now... in the meantime I will post one of my necklaces.