Thursday, March 31, 2011

The White Stripes: A kindof obituary

the twang of country I normally can't stand besides  from the lips of the old greats like johnny cash and patsy cline is made soft and bearable through the white stripes.  The screechy banjo to haunting beats that lead you from blues to country to rock and back again that alternatively or simultaneously hook and numb. The lyrics sing of a nostalgia of the hardships and culture of the midwest and appalachia, a nostalgia that I never will fully understand, nor do I particularly want to.  Compassion perhaps, but never real empathy.

The indescribable role that meg plays in the background.  Her sparse beats hesitant and naive.  There is no doubt that there are thousands of others that play percussion better than her, there are thousands that play just as badly as her.  She is seen and not heard and yet she adds a tangible hint of peculiarity to the duo.  A hint that a female, but not just any female can add.  Her awkward posture is intriguing.  A femme fatale lithe and graceful would not add the same intrigue.

Sometimes it seems like it might as well be the jack white band.  with his numerous other endeavors that are arguably more idiosyncratic.  Songs like blue veins where jack wails like a wounded cat vaguely scatting.

But it's because of Meg that they are the White Stripes. The white and red band.  Without Meg, it's just The Stripes.

I had guacamole today

Apparently at the Gym they have free platters of food at 5 pm.  Don't know if it's everyday or just Mondays.  Obviously it was pretty much healthy stuff.  Fruit, Vegetable sticks, egg salad sandwiches, tuna sandwiches.  But then I spotted the Guacamole! With nothing to dip it with.  I had to settle for some cucumber sticks.

Venice Film Festival

I was perusing the photos from the Venice Film Festival on and a couple of the dresses actually made me :O :) :D.  It's beginning to seem like good acting/filmmaking correlates with good style.  Natalie Portman, Elle Fanning, Sophia Coppola, good job.  Jessica Alba, Jessica Alba, Jessica Alba, not so much

this was from almost a year ago. when black swan was just a vague and campy ballerina movie and now it's just a campy ballerina movie.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tv Show pet peeves

1. when actors are supposed to be realistically crying in a dramatic scene and all they do is scrunch up their face and look like they're taking a dump

2. when they have supposedly heavy things and they're obviously filled with nothing (e.g. a whole stack of christmas presents, backpacks that are supposed to be filled with 20 books but clearly filled with air)

3. in comedies, when in order to show how esoterically smart someone is, they make him/her tell some dumb joke that even  a person who actually understood it wouldn't find it funny

4. when they have random well-known celebrity guest stars and try to play it off that they've been part of the show's universe the whole time when you KNOW they're only dropping in for an episode or two. And it's one thing to have them play a new character getting introduced, but just not believable when the writers try to play it off as them being in the backstory the whole time.  We KNOW gwyneth paltrow hasn't been subbing in mckinley high the whole time and the camera just magically wasn't on her this whole time, we KNOW that Jesse wasn't part of Vocal Adrenaline in the beginning episodes, we KNOW that Idina wasn't the coach for the past 10232 years, we KNOW Matt Damon wasn't piloting a plane whenever he wasn't standing next to Liz.  A-List actors never work as recurring guest stars.  We know what they're doing in real life.