Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tv Show pet peeves

1. when actors are supposed to be realistically crying in a dramatic scene and all they do is scrunch up their face and look like they're taking a dump

2. when they have supposedly heavy things and they're obviously filled with nothing (e.g. a whole stack of christmas presents, backpacks that are supposed to be filled with 20 books but clearly filled with air)

3. in comedies, when in order to show how esoterically smart someone is, they make him/her tell some dumb joke that even  a person who actually understood it wouldn't find it funny

4. when they have random well-known celebrity guest stars and try to play it off that they've been part of the show's universe the whole time when you KNOW they're only dropping in for an episode or two. And it's one thing to have them play a new character getting introduced, but just not believable when the writers try to play it off as them being in the backstory the whole time.  We KNOW gwyneth paltrow hasn't been subbing in mckinley high the whole time and the camera just magically wasn't on her this whole time, we KNOW that Jesse wasn't part of Vocal Adrenaline in the beginning episodes, we KNOW that Idina wasn't the coach for the past 10232 years, we KNOW Matt Damon wasn't piloting a plane whenever he wasn't standing next to Liz.  A-List actors never work as recurring guest stars.  We know what they're doing in real life.

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