Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Creative Exercise No. 25 Dream Diary Post 9

 I had a dream where I got a $20  ticket to go to space.  It looked just like a Broadway show ticket.  I was so excited, like I couldn't wait to show everybody, but also so, so nervous.  Was I going to get claustrophobic? Was I going to get nausea? Was I going to die? I could handle Mission: Space in Disney World, would this be the same thing? I saw a rocket shoot into the sky, only to peak and nosedive into a building, with a deflated red parachute dangling behind it. They said, that would never happen to us, because we have new technology now.  They told us what life would be like at the station, how to shower, how to not touch our hair a lot, because when we cook, dust ignites, and if there's dust on our hair our hair will ignite. I remember Skyping with my mother and telling her the news, wondering if I'd wimp out at the last second.

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