Friday, June 13, 2014


One of those days where I'm overpowered by hunger with no consideration to mindfulness. Just want to consume everything meaty and fatty 

Shake shack burger with cheese fries 

Cuban Fried pork and plantain sandwich from Tina's 

Baohaus buns the pork belly and fried chicken 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Shit Kids Say

6 year old boy picks up a tiny marker: this is my golf marker! You know how there are golf pencils? Well this is my golf marker.

Mom taking pictures of the class: I'm not gonna take pictures of you if you look at me
Her son: Stop looking at my mom!

4 year old girl: I'm going to punch you in the penis

4 year old girl after I told her not to jump down from the couch: You know I can fight you

4 year old girl: do you poop or pee
Me:  both
2 year old: I do everything 

4 year old: one day were going to have a baby brother 
2 year old : and a horse and a cat

2 year old, to me: I'm being nice to you

2 year old: Why did your mom give you the necklace
Me: Because she likes me
2 year old: Oh
2 year old: Your mommy loves you and gives you cake

2 year old, to me: You're such a baby

2 year old: Look I know how to do this it's a ballerina it's beautiful!

2 year old: My name is chubby wubby one day I had a fast dad and slow down dad!

5 year old: Umm, I do not like soup. I eat chicken.  My mom doesn't like chicken she just eats salad

Mom: You don't want to share? You had so many!
4 year old: But I wanted more!
Mom: ok after dinner
4 year old: No! Now gimme it now! Gimme it now! Throw it up!

2 year old: Mama has short nails short nails

Me: This baby has a big butt
2 year old : That is so funny that is really funny (but she doesn't laugh)

Dream Diary Post 15

Walking to a swimming lesson late at night through the neighborhood passing by SUVs and owners climbing out of them and the occasional sprinkler.  I'm in the kids pool at the Y and it's filled with the echoes of screeching children and squeaky flip flops.  This girl is demonstrating how if you crouch down under the water and stay there you can die.  Nobody dies

Finding someone's smashed Iphone 5 on the floor in the sitting room next to a bundle of  just-washed marroon socks  in the corner next to a wooden chair with a rattan seat just like the one in the Van gogh's Chair painting.

Shuffling back and forth between the bedroom to the kitchen a pot of beans is on the stove in the 70's style house where the floors are terra-cotta colored stone tiles framed in a criss-cross of dirty grout, and there's that  musty curtain ruffle above the windows. I  was trying to make sure all the doors are closed before I take a shower, but I kept running into people.  The doors were painted teal, forest green, and brown.  The murky corner of the spectrum.

my body is not me

It doesn't represent me it was not my choice.

It's merely a vehicle for thought, one that often distorts true character.

I can manipulate it to exude the confidence I want perceived, but success is literally superficial.

Relief when I am called ugly, fat, it is not me.
An ache when I am called pretty, thin, it is not me.

Dream Diary Post 14 Day 83

I barely remember one snippet of my dream because I had like 3 dreams after it.  But I remember being in a confined space like an elevator and sipping air through a thing clear tube that was wrapped around a spool.  I felt suffocated.