Monday, December 21, 2015

People who've called me fat

In a matter of fact way, not to purposefully hurt me, which is somehow more troubling.  I can't brush them off as if they were a catty middleschooler. Cuz MAYBE THE SPEAKETH THE TRUTH

1. My Mom
2. My host mom in Costa  Rica
3. My Hand her mom
3. My Grandma
4. My Uncle
5. My friend
6. My dad
7. My cousin

I understand the non-western mentality that commenting on someone's weight isn't supposed to be a great insult, it's supposed to be merely an observation not tied to worth.  But somehow it is.  Especially when some of the people live in America and have absorbed western social decorum, they have internalized the ideals that weight is tied to ego. And it is anyways.  Even if we overemphasize how horrible it is to be fat and ugly, it's never your place to comment on anything of someone else unsolicited.  Unsolicited advice is never good.

And so it doesn't come from a place of observation, it comes from a place of busy-bodying.  Sometimes it comes from a place of wanting to comment and fix other people because you're so fucked up inside.  You spew out critiques of other people to scratch your itchy unsettled heart. LOL.

**it says something that I've placed this on my blog that nobody reads but a blog nonetheless.  Why does it have to be on a public space? Am I hoping that a stranger will empathize? A stranger that doesn't know my family so they can't say how horrible they are because even though they've hurt my feelings I don't want other people to judge them.

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