Sunday, October 27, 2013

Thoughts/Tweets that will probably never make it Part 3

1. random sentence I wrote in summer 2010
the warming gel pack lay limp in the basin, like a dead fish waiting to be poached for supper

2. random sentence I wrote in january 2010
All my professors were/are nice, but it doesn't stop me from observing them as if I were on a safari and they were in their natural habitats.

3. These random sentence compilations  are in part an urge to clean out my drafts folder filled with barely attempted posts

4. random sentence from August 2010
I hate sleeping in new places. There's always the aching awareness that I am not at home.  Home being where I have/am accustomed to laying my head for the past week.

5. I hate that I keep having the compulsion to post something vulnerable and truthful (to be real, man) and then have the urge to "revert post back to draft" when I reread it not a week later. Because sometimes when I see other people pour their hearts out in a face book status I admire/appreciate their abiilty to put themselves out there. But other times it's like, oh my god, cut the sap.  The hope that someone out there you know is reading, the fear that they are. 

6. I just came back from microwaving leftover pudding from my banana cream pie endeavor.  Except now that I'm back I don't know what impelled me to walk over to the refrigerator at that moment. Hunger, obviously, but I had been lazy enough to ignore that all morning.  What electrical current sped over my synapses so that I decided to stand up and walk away mid-thought?

7. Funny how I hated writing in 5th grade and on when we had to keep "lifebooks" and we did all those exercises like zoom in/zoom out and just writing writing writing raw raw raw anything and everything.  And I realize, sometimes you just need to write every single thought and detail in your mind to exercise the path from thought to word.  It would be lovely and ego-stroking if there was someone there to actually read each and every one of these asinine thoughts, but it's more about the flow flow flow and maybe someday when you go back and reread you will find some rocks that could be worthy of polishing.

8.  I'm willing to suffer for my art, she said, as she slowly cut each finger off, knuckle by knuckle. 

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