Tuesday, July 20, 2010

bloody conundrum

I think it’s more scary that so many people love twilight than the fact that ms. meyer wrote it.  Okay a little scary that she thought it worthy of public consumption and thinks of her character development as anything but 2-dimensional.  But it’s scarier that her editor okay-ed it, that she has an editor, that TIME magazine wrote articles on it filled with more pseudo-intellectual praise than serious critiques, that thousands of girls and MOMS ( oh, the moms) are screaming in frustrated ecstasy for Edward without the slightest hint of irony.
 Man, there’s a lot of crazy people in the world.  But maybe that’s just part of the human condition, maybe we just want to unabashedly let go of the real world (let’s blame the economy for the umpteenth time), not to think and feign sophistication but to take the plunge into maudlin sappiness (redundant? well that’s how syrupy gag-worthy it is).

But I still think it’s really really bad.  And our brains are turning to mush.  And then dear Stephenie will write about some chiseled zombie romantically sucking said brains out.

1 comment:

  1. I honestly agree... I read twilight when i was like 12 but it was recommended to me by a friend of mine (who is older than me by 5 years) when I was like 7. And of course being a 12 year old girl, I liked twilight. It was, I guess my "first" romance novel, which was totally "mushy" and now I say it cheesy...
    I really hated it too when it ACTUALLY BECAME an IN thing for all teenagers (I'm only 16 but still, yeahhh...)
    It wasn't even written that well, and the movie... WORSE (for me)
    Anyway great post :)
    If you have time, I want to know what you think of my blog... It's new though and there are a lot of posts to come...

    Excited for more of your posts!
