Sunday, September 29, 2013

I don't like The Script

What? The last post I wrote was nearly twenty days ago? I honestly do have a lot of ideas to scribble down but lose momentum by the time I remember how to log in.  Seriously, the hardest part about keeping up with a blog is logging in.  I think there's an app that makes it simple to just stream a thought straight to the blog without coming to blogger but I'm too lazy too look right now.  Plus, sometimes I need pictures.

Anyways, I don't like The Script.  I find their melodies boring and depressing because they're boring in an easy listening Adult Contemporary kind of way. Just thinking about it puts me in the waiting room of the dentist's office.  Like if you listen to The Script you probably like The Bee Gees and Shania Twain.

Except these days I'm loathe to declare I hate something not because it's juvenile but because it always results in the impulse of exploring said loathed object until I love it (see: olives, coconuts, onions, kanye west).

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Other People's Jewelry: Miansai

Jewelry for boys, by a boy. Loved by all.  It makes me a little sad that for all the beautiful delicate jewelry a lot of female designers make--dainty champion Catbird is the prime example--boys have an uncanny ability to make universal hardy pieces. Pieces that are inspired by hardware and industrial parts without being directly derivative.  Pieces with enough heft and the proper proportions so that the average man that isn't Liberace or Johnny Depp would actually want to wear it, and that women love to steal.  Pieces that can easily adorn a thicker wrist and endure the rough-and-tumble of manual labor and general careless bumping around. Because menswear automatically translates to unisex.  Womenswear tends to be relegated to the pink side of the pond--unless you're Kanye West.

I want this,

The Naomi Cuff

And this.
The Reeve Cuff

That is all.

(find them on

Friday, September 6, 2013

Outfits from January 2010


1. flowery liberty blouse with brown jumper (inspired by the homely outfits the women wear in Lars and the Real Girl)
2. 60s shift with white shirt and blue tights (Audrey Hepburn meets kindergarten)
3. sheer blue with white skirt (ballerina)
4. sheer black with white skirt ( dark ballerina)
5. pink dress with white tights and ferragamos (inspired by Wendy from Peter Pan the Disney animated version)
6. sweater dress with white shirt and magenta tights (all girls school uniform)

20 (I only made it to 8)

Sitting in my drafts folder since 2010

I wrote a list of 18 things when I turned 18 so there's a lot of pressure to make this more sophisticated and whatnot (am I older, wiser?) but the truth is it's just not going to come out that way.  I'm just making different, not wiser revelations.  Happy golden 20th anyways.


1. Sometimes I avoid the things I love/anticipate the most because I know it's going to be too much and I'm gonna want to absorb it too fast and I'm not ready yet.  So I just pretend it doesn't exist yet.
**and the thought that a million people are out there loving it is too.much. (hello new harry potter books, vampire weekend records, kanye west records, regina spektor records, daft punk records)

2. I like all things lemon and lime related.

3.  Shopping is fun but it should not be considered a hobby.

4. I think it would be a lot easier to be a human if people were just to sit for a moment and delineate between what they want to want to do (think about that for a moment)  and what they really want to do during their lives.  Being a doctor is all well and noble but sometimes you just want to be a freelance writer. Follow your passion, it'll save you a lot of circling back 10, 20 years from now.

5. Unless your aspiration is to be a dog whisperer or play techno-calypso music--in that case nevermind--take that job on Wall Street. Eating is nice.

6.  I find lots of cliches to be true and useful (well duh, they became cliches somehow).  But it takes arriving at that particular milestone in your life to wholly imbibe the meaning and meaningfulness of said cliches.

7.  I can see that at age 20, I have not matured beyond using the very eloquent word of "duh."

8.  I like simple pleasures, the little things.  A stick of gum, a cancelled appointment, nice weather, the relieved feeling after...relieving yourself #urine.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Jewelry Vows

I will not make letter jewelry unless I come up with some really original execution concept

I will not make number jewelry unless I come up with some some really original execution concept

I will not simply pluck designs and objects from my surroundings without reinterpreting them (e.g., punctuation, sharpened pencils, animals)

I will not directly cast found objects unless I come up with some some really original execution concept

I will not make personalized name jewelry unless I come up with some some really original execution concept

I will adorn my metal pieces in settings other than pavé

I will not make rings by just sticking some design on a plain band I will always think of my designs from all angles

I will never make traditional jewelry that someone can just pick up from Zales or the jewelry district. Sure it would be nice to make money from a customer that wants plain gold hoops, diamond studs, or a solitaire ring, but there's no point to spend the labor and time and money to make something that is unremarkable and unrecognizable as my work.

I will never reproduce antique jewelry, unless I really, really want to.  And I will never call them my own designs.

Shit.  But I might have to make gold star pieces.  I just have to.  It's a childhood thing, obviously.

Monday, September 2, 2013

On Miley Cyrus and the 2013 VMAs

I didn't watch the VMAs,  they're a bunch of bullshit.  But I did finally watch a clip of Robin and Miley's performance.

Just commenting on it makes me feel like I'm falling into some sort of media-engineered trap. There is no real controversy, just some orchestrated shootout to increase site traffic on blogs. That is, if people aren't really outraged, let's tell them they should be outraged so that we can hate on a young woman doing nothing different than all the other idiotic young women so that we can pat ourselves on the back for not displaying our asinine behavior in such a public manner. As if we will ever have the chance to.  Let's pretend to be enraged and conservative so that the liberals and 3rd wave feminists come out to play and tell us how a woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her body. So that we can have this bullshit superficial tired dialogue about whether Miley was in the right or in the wrong.  Was she progressive or a fool? Never mind Robin Thicke was standing and breathing right next her at nearly twice her age.

 Shut up world, you love that she seems to fuck up, you really, really do.

The only part of the performance we should be talking about is how she is using (much more full-bodied) black women as props to her story just as Gwen Stefani used her Harajuku girls.  Yo white ladies, these are real legacies real culture that real people subscribe to, not just some stylistic choice.  Sure Miley you must think twerking is exotic and badass as hell, but would you actually be willing to ride with these women to their homes outside of Manhattan or Williamsburg or Park Slope? No one's saying you can't be inspired by other cultures, it's just that after centuries of oppression it would be real nice if you didn't make a farce out of other practices.  Not that twerking is freaking ceremonial or anything, but there was a time when women didn't become strippers and coke snorters by choice.