Monday, September 2, 2013

On Miley Cyrus and the 2013 VMAs

I didn't watch the VMAs,  they're a bunch of bullshit.  But I did finally watch a clip of Robin and Miley's performance.

Just commenting on it makes me feel like I'm falling into some sort of media-engineered trap. There is no real controversy, just some orchestrated shootout to increase site traffic on blogs. That is, if people aren't really outraged, let's tell them they should be outraged so that we can hate on a young woman doing nothing different than all the other idiotic young women so that we can pat ourselves on the back for not displaying our asinine behavior in such a public manner. As if we will ever have the chance to.  Let's pretend to be enraged and conservative so that the liberals and 3rd wave feminists come out to play and tell us how a woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her body. So that we can have this bullshit superficial tired dialogue about whether Miley was in the right or in the wrong.  Was she progressive or a fool? Never mind Robin Thicke was standing and breathing right next her at nearly twice her age.

 Shut up world, you love that she seems to fuck up, you really, really do.

The only part of the performance we should be talking about is how she is using (much more full-bodied) black women as props to her story just as Gwen Stefani used her Harajuku girls.  Yo white ladies, these are real legacies real culture that real people subscribe to, not just some stylistic choice.  Sure Miley you must think twerking is exotic and badass as hell, but would you actually be willing to ride with these women to their homes outside of Manhattan or Williamsburg or Park Slope? No one's saying you can't be inspired by other cultures, it's just that after centuries of oppression it would be real nice if you didn't make a farce out of other practices.  Not that twerking is freaking ceremonial or anything, but there was a time when women didn't become strippers and coke snorters by choice.

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