Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I'm way too proud of myself on the rare occasions I behave like a grown up

1.  Like when I don't laugh or make a face when someone says something stupid in a professional environment

2.  When I don't interject that someone is being an asshole when it doesn't involve me/ mind my own beeswax (except, sometimes, I get annoyed when people are just bystanders because they think they're being polite)

3.  When I hold my tongue before I comment "wow, your feet are really red" or "you look thinner" or "your mom is pretty crazy, huh?" (in all seriousness, what comes off as an observation sounds like a judgement)

4. When I say thank you to accept a compliment instead of some stuttering deflection (they're just being nice, they don't really care!)

5.  When I don't blabber a long-winded explanation in person or email

6.  When I go to an event and I don't blurt out, I'm here for the food!

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