Friday, December 20, 2013

That awkward moment when someone says oh you'll love my friend so andso he/she's really nice...

...and you realize

Um, no dude, he/she's nice to YOU because you're 

--a guy (so she flirting with you or he take your opinions seriously)
--gay (so you probably can talk about Real Housewives with her and there's no awkward friend-zoning tension)
--white (so she/he knows they gotta take you seriously or you gonna call the manager)
--blonde (so she look good next to you in Facebook pics and he think you have more fun)
--pretty (so she look good next to you in Facebook pics and he think you're hot)
--a really important person with a crazy high Klout score (social climbing ftw) 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Curtailed Enjoyment of Sleep as a Hobby

Most 14-30 year olds put sleeping as one of their hobbies.  There are those annoying go-getter morning person types that hike mountains everyday at 6 in the morning, and then there are the mortals. I mean hiking at 6 in the morning does sound fun, but not everyday, and not under duress.

The Enjoyment of sleeping is ephemeral.  Because really, you're unconscious during the majority of the activity.  The only time you can acknowledge that sleeping is an enjoyable pastime is when you're just about to fall asleep safe and warm on the mattress, and when you wake up safe and warm in the sheets and fuzzy blanket and realize that you were sleeping, and you have about another hour to doze.

And  attaining the amount of sleep that signifies enjoyment is precarious.  You almost always never get enough sleep, hoping that 5 more minutes in the unconscious space will last forever, or you get too much and you feel like a lazy bum that has wasted the day away.  Because sleeping is no fun when you can do it whenever you want because you have nothing better to do.  It's no fun when you can sleep in on a weekday, all day everyday.  That's why sleeping in is never appreciated only during summer and winter breaks, only the anticipation is.

My favorite memory feeling sleeping is when I woke up in the morning earlier than I needed to go to school, to the sound of my dad getting ready for work.  It's still dark and warm in the room, and the only light is coming from the crack at the bottom of the closed bathroom door.

That was in elementary school, though.  From 6th grade on, I needed to wake up about an hour earlier than him.

Monday, December 9, 2013

I love water crackers

I love water crackers they're crunchy and nutty and the perfect base, heartier than a corn chip, and much less salty.

to mashed avocados
to smoked salmon
to caviar
to roasted garlic
to cheese
to spinach and artichoke dip

My Greatest Fear

I see a billion wannabe screenwriters, a billion wannabe actors, a billion wannabe singers, a billion wannabe painters.  Oh art, you fickle, fickle prey.

These people that are working towards their dream, supplementing it with waitress jobs, nannying jobs, door-to-door salesmen jobs.  Am I a pessimistic cynic for immediately assuming that they're never going to make it? A few years from now am I going to see them on David Letterman talking about how they used to work at a movie theater and how now the smell of stale popcorn makes them hyperventilate like it was just a distant, romanticized, character-building memory?

What if I'm one of those people that are never going to make it? Will it be because I didn't want it enough? Or could wanting it never be enough because I'm too delusional to see my own bad taste? That what's clear as day to everyone else becomes invisible through my rose-colored glasses?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Shit Kids Say

So most of these aren't as funny when transcribed.  Some of them probably aren't funny at all.  Which makes me feel like those moms that tells everyone the hilarious thing their kid said at dinner last night when you just want to be like you mean he said a sentence?

   You had to be there.  You had to see their innocent little faces, the sincerity in their voices.  What kills me is when even the most buttfaced little child has these moments of sincerity.  After all the screaming and rudeness and sass, they're still little babies.  They're not trying to be funny, they're just figuring their way around this little thing called Life. 


7 year old: well you said to tape every single part
Me: no I didn't.  I said just to tape it around the CD
7 year old: well I thought you said to tape every single part
5 year old: Samantha, you just wanted to do it your own way

5 year old playing teacher tries to read a book to her brother and me while we make silly faces: Kristy, you keep pushing it and pushing it and pushing it!
4 year old: (whispering) please keep pushing it

4 year old: Can I eat the slime ?
Me : No! Why would you want to eat it? It's part of our experiment! It'll taste bad!
5 minutes later
4 year old: Can I eat it ?
Me: Sure, go ahead
4 year old: Nooooooo. Wait... should I ?

6 year old: Guess what! I lost my tooth yesterday
Me: Ooh cool! Can I see? Did you get any money?
6 year old: Yeah, I got 40 dollars
Me: 40 dollars ?! you mean...40 cents? are you sure it wasn't like 5 dollars? 
6 year old: Well...I got two dollars under my pillow, and both of them said 20 on them
Me: your MOM gave you 40 dollars for your tooth?!
6 year old: Nooooooooooo.  The toothfairy did.
Me: Oh, sorry--the TOOTH FAIRY gave you 40 dollars for your tooth?!
6 year old: Uh huh. 

Me: oh my god... 
3 year old: why did you say "Alright, Bob?"

3 year old: hold on, I want to touch this balloon for a minute...ooh it's sooo soft

Friday, December 6, 2013

Dream Diary Post 4

So I finally figured out how to write a post straight from my phone.

This is a little weird. I'm writing it in a email. Will the formatting come out?

I had a dream I bought this baguette of goat cheese and celery and I thought it was the most delicious and fresh thing ever. It was held in a clear plastic tube bag. A little while later I went back to eat what was left which was a soggy end piece with tofu-like chunks instead of goat cheese. I thought, this wasn't what I remembered...

There was this giant cream colored tent, like a circus tent, not a camping tent, at a family party and all the kids were playing on a giant pillowy cushion underneath it.  Sunlight from the window it hung against set the whole tent aglow.  I saw them all jumping around and went towards it wondering why I wasn't there. A girl jumped to me and exclaimed to me "it's an island!" I saw the toddlers dressed up in Halloween costumes, one was a ladybug and another was Thomas the Tank Engine, both costumes were clearly hand-me-downs, pilled and matted and fuzzy with lint. I pulled back part of the tent to look out the window, and saw the green front lawn and cul-de-sac below, damp with drizzling rain.

Facebook Makes Everyone Seem Crazy

A conversation about Facebook that has been building for nearly 10 years has reached an all-time-high-pitched buzz. With smart phones making it easier than ever to be connected 24/7 to social media, and various channels cross-cutting each other, much of the modern world is fully entrenched in a narcissistic-masquerading-as-introspective stupor.

Those people that post very personal mopey statuses and are always laid back in real life.

Those people that share links to dozens of articles everyday under the pretense of informing when in actuality it is a less direct cry for attention.

The people who share dozens of link after link, declaration after declaration on a friend's wall, a public validation of their friendship... Does one imagine himself/herself in a bubble when (s)he shares these posts, or has all the world truly become a stage? Does one automatically fall into a mindset of presentation when they have a "public" conversation?

The people that post Instagram pics of every anticlimactic social event and paraphernalia purchase.  It's one thing to post it on Instagram, it's another to deliberately share it on Facebook as well.

The people that post selfie after selfie of contrived stoicism.

Those 45 year old women that check in every time they go to the local restaurant next to Shoprite.

And worst of all, the people that rant about how loser-ish and transparent others' Facebook activity is.

Should we let the id truly run free? Are we more truthful than ever, or more self-involved and dependent yet isolated than ever 

We are addicted to the approval of others, though only concerned about their well- being insomuch  as how they serve us

The past year has seen a host of feature articles defining The Millienials.  Like generation X, the time has finally come that enough of us have entered adulthood enough so that society may summarize our generation into a particular set of character traits.  We are narcissistic, we think we are special, we're all waiting for people to finally notice our true genius. 

There has been backlash, scorning our out of touch and bitter predecessors, as certain authors offer counterfactual evidence in an attempt to end the conversation with a determining note of finality.  Millienials are more caring than ever, our multitasking skills is what will save us all.

But as I live my own life and find myself scrolling through various feeds with zombie-like enthusiasm, an inner turmoil with the mild fervor of a closeted transcendentalist poet, it makes me wonder  certain that those writers who pitch and invest in these critiques the most are probably millenials themselves.  A classic self-loathing projected on others. We are lost in Me, and we know it.

The recent Birthday of Joan Didion had reinforced every millennial blogger's belief that every introspective thought on the path of self-discovery is intellectual and beneficial for all.  Struggle is being meta-idealized, as we fabricate our memories as we live them.  2013 'twas also the year of Introverts, and thus media comforted us that the idea that thinking too much and worrying too much and alone time with oneself is a thing to humble-brag about, like being a nerd during the era of Seth Cohen.  We've been constantly told to be ourselves, to find ourselves, and to find our way.  Social media has offered the perfect platform to brand our journey.  But not all thoughts are gold, not all contribute to the self-realization of civilization.  But should we all continue to think that one's thoughts are important, we shall continue aimlessly wandering in our own respective circles of spotlight, never looking up to realize that there are other circles too.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Romanticizing Domesticity

Reading Man Repeller's book Seeking Love, Finding Overalls  (pleasantly surprised by the sincerity and intelligence of the sentimentality in comparison to her adjective-heavy blog prose) and Watching Sex and the City from season 1 has me craving comfort and meaning in earthly objects versus to the dull emptiness I feel when staring into the bottomless galactic chasm that swallows us.

To feel a thrill from picking up a well-crafted (if perhaps impractical for the dog-shit/salt seasoned streets of New York) shoe from Bergdorf's or Miu Miu.  To have your mom inquire that you shop for clothes and make jewelry and read about jewelry and bake cakes like it's your job (because it kind of is). To create for fun, how awesome is that? It's like license to be a kid.

Dream Diary Post 3

I dreamed that I was in this airy restaurant Somewhere in Europe there was a spiraling wooden staircase and the interior wall of the front was this fresh green, throughout the restaurant were touches of ivy and other hints of botany (but no flowers).  I sat down to eat upstairs a plate of something or other (there were vegetables nd there was rice it was all bite-sized) on a square table with a white tablecloth and then I feel asleep.  And I woke up with my cheek to the mattress of a single-sized bed with dark mahogany headboard, the set up was not unlike a Dickensian dormitory or hospital.  I stood up, it was 10:00 in the morning, I walked down the stairs in the front and looked at the giant arched window above the door and the sunlight streaming in.  It was beautiful, but I felt out of place, alone and somewhere I wasn't supposed to be.  Like when I'm in a department store and notice a shelf of beautiful teapots and I want to marvel, but it's fleeting and tainted because the rest of the party is barreling ahead.

I am so clumsy

As a stocky five footer, I'm as clumsy as a gangly growing boy.  I regularly run into door jambs, trip and roll my ankle in flat-soled shoes and stub my toe on the side of the bed or couch or tub.

Just in the last couple days I:

Somehow swung a grocery bag holding a casserole squarely into the side of the car door, splitting the casserole dish in two with an impressive clang

slammed the front door on my finger nail

fell on the stairs in such a way that the my shins fell directly on the sharpest part of the  brick stairs

pulled a wastebasket towards me too quickly so that the bottom edge flew straight to my already bruised shin bones.


I think shortly after I typed this I slammed the front door on the nail of my index finger.

American Chinese Food

I have a serious craving. And with oily heartburn inducing delicacies that never actually appear at our dinner table (filled with Asian Chinese food) it's as escapist to me as any non-chinese cuisine.

Watching show after show romanticizing greasy chinese food as a comfort to a rainy day, a tired day, a heartbroken day.  Chopsticks fishing straight into the soggy paper boxes.  From sex and the city to big bang theory to Seinfeld.  I am so hungry.

Spring Rolls
Egg Drop Soup
Pork Fried Rice
Kunpao Chicken
fried dumplings
Lo Mein