Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Curtailed Enjoyment of Sleep as a Hobby

Most 14-30 year olds put sleeping as one of their hobbies.  There are those annoying go-getter morning person types that hike mountains everyday at 6 in the morning, and then there are the mortals. I mean hiking at 6 in the morning does sound fun, but not everyday, and not under duress.

The Enjoyment of sleeping is ephemeral.  Because really, you're unconscious during the majority of the activity.  The only time you can acknowledge that sleeping is an enjoyable pastime is when you're just about to fall asleep safe and warm on the mattress, and when you wake up safe and warm in the sheets and fuzzy blanket and realize that you were sleeping, and you have about another hour to doze.

And  attaining the amount of sleep that signifies enjoyment is precarious.  You almost always never get enough sleep, hoping that 5 more minutes in the unconscious space will last forever, or you get too much and you feel like a lazy bum that has wasted the day away.  Because sleeping is no fun when you can do it whenever you want because you have nothing better to do.  It's no fun when you can sleep in on a weekday, all day everyday.  That's why sleeping in is never appreciated only during summer and winter breaks, only the anticipation is.

My favorite memory feeling sleeping is when I woke up in the morning earlier than I needed to go to school, to the sound of my dad getting ready for work.  It's still dark and warm in the room, and the only light is coming from the crack at the bottom of the closed bathroom door.

That was in elementary school, though.  From 6th grade on, I needed to wake up about an hour earlier than him.

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