Sunday, January 31, 2010

What's in a name

Apparently, if I don't remember someone's name, I make one up for them in my head. Or maybe I'm just really bad with names/have copious amounts of earwax. Anyways, when I realize their real names, it's completely mind-blowing and of course my names for them are always much more fitting. Man, their parents should have consulted me before sticking their spawn with totally wrong monikers.


1. girl I thought was named Jennifer (said with a hard J, not sung as in Jennifer Juniper): real name--Ann(e). Totally wrong, she's short but totally sturdy looking with matching unamused/aggressive personality. So not delicate Anne...

2. girl I thought was named Justine: real name--Evelyn. Umm, she's loud, brash and slightly obnoxious, with matching too- dark tan and  bracelets coating her forearms. not some 50s WASP with a blonde perm.

3. Dude I thought was named Billy: real name Ben. Ben? Is such a goody-goody if slightly mischevious-but-charms-all-the-teachers kinda name. Or the name of some tall dude that don't talk much. This dude is a downright chattering buttmunch full of jokes that aren't funny and slightly racist. SOUNDS LIKE A BILLY TO ME (sorry other Billys).

These poor kids. Destined to wander through life with a pseudonym and they don't even know it...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Let's be Passive Aggressive/Boys and Girls, Girls and Boys

I love how when one female says to another female "oh_____, I love you," it could be the greatest diss in the world.  Same with "Haha OMG, you're so cute!"

I also love when people make it look like they're about to say something and then sigh dramatically and  go "oh...nevermind" and then either keep on fake mumbling to themselves to try to get you to ask "WHAT." or act like a martyr for not voicing their backhanded compliment aloud.  Gee, thanks for  being so considerate.

And it's just super awesome when you're having stifled conversation and he/she snickers at every answer you say.  WHAT, WHAT'S SO FUNNY ABOUT CROCHETING POTHOLDERS IN MY SPARE TIME?

Recently, I was reading Medea, and of course the plot/main source of conflict was the apparent differences between a man and a woman. No, this isn't biology class, stop giggling, I'm talking about the other difference. How, apparently, Jason, was the epitome of masculinity because of his supposed rationality, which was most expertly displayed through his eloquent speeches. And tomboy Medea could never be like that, no matter how much she tried because of the typical womanly wiles which made her all pms-y and emotional and stuff (What kind of wuss gets emotional and angry when her husband abandons her for another woman and subsequently leaves her to be a social outcast?) , the same excuses that kept Mrs. Clinton from being the head of the White House 'cause God FORBID she decided to launch a nuclear war or something because it was that time of the month (yeah yeah there were other reasons but this isn't a political rant--not that I'm capable of that anyways).

But then I was thinking, this is SO UNTRUE. Hello, if you've ever been a female between the ages of 4 and 89, you'd know that girls are queen of squashing the lesser with bullying demagoguery. And that boys are the ones that let their testosterone-y emotions get the better of them and start giving each other black eyes while girls can do the same thing verbally and emotionally while smiling the WHOLE time. Who's the more "rational" sex now, huh?

Not that it's anything to brag about, either way, it's a real catch-22 for ladies. No matter which situation it is, boys are made out to be the cool kids that everyone wants to be: they're either calm and logical, or adorably, endearingly, simple. Not so for the girls-- we're either the weaker sex, or the evil sex, yay, it's hard to decide which one is more awesome.

You Betcha!/Dumb

All the people who support Sarah Palin and other similarly incompetent famous persons, I wish they would state sound reasons regarding WHY they support her instead of shaking their heads at the critics and deeming them merely as "haters."  Tell me that you don't support abortion because it's "killing a life" fine. That you support abstinence.  That you believe illegal immigrants affect the well-being of our country.  That imposing democracy is the only way.  Fine.  But when you fail to have reasons to back up your beliefs, there's a problem.  Too often they have nothing to say besides enveloping everything within "intolerance for their point of view" Those poor conservatives, always the minority.

And sometimes I feel like being irrational myself, and just saying, "You don't have a different opinion, YOU'RE JUST WRONG."

Ahem.  Mature? Yes I am.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Shoe Swear (off)/Comma Splice?

Never Shall I wear

1. Crocs (Uh DUH. You know there's something wrong with them when they don't even look cute on a baby. No, not even the less hideous styles. And they're not even that comfortable)

2. Uggs (Slightly harder since they're so much more widely accepted by the masses. Trends are trends for a reason--but still no, I still firmly believe that they should not be worn by anyone unless he/she lives in an igloo. And who are they trying to bullshit with their newer, "chic" styles? Not gonna work without a brand repackage my friend. Oh, I'm sorry, did I give you hope? Nope, don't even try)

3. CRUGGS (not really a vow, never have and never will have the remotest tinge of longing to wear those "shoes"--can you believe they're selling them at Macy's? Seriously, who's Macy's tryin' to kid? Are they supposed to be gag gifts?

4. Birkenstocks (Ugly Ugly Ugly don't understand why would you buy an ugly shoe that gets rattier with age--and not a cool "worn-in look"--more like "foot-fungus-has-completely-established-residency-here-and-will-never-ever-ever-move-out" look. And what makes it worse is, it doesn't even know it's ugly, I mean maybe it would be foot-worthy if it was flamboyantly proud-of-it ugly (sorry Cruggs, doesn't apply to you), but no, it thinks it's cool-kids-table worthy. Step back (haha pun) kids... don't even try)

Shoes OMG Shoes ( J.Crew Edition)

I never bothered to look at J.Crew shoes before, after seeing their flats and flip-flops in stores, I figured it'd just be overpriced and cheap quality. But to my surprise, I happily discovered I was wrong. Apparently many of their shoes are handmade in Italy, upping the sturdiness quite a bit while still maintaining their aesthetic.

I'm still not sure how I feel about wedges/platforms. Chunky or Clunky? These definitely have an ugly-pretty quality about them.

But these ankle boots are just plain pretty. A simple but flattering silhouette in all the basic colors with minimal stitching/lines.

Menswear inspired. Military meets Moccasin.

From the boy's section--sometimes having small feet is a good thing.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

classroom education

9:11 AM- walk into class, one other girl there. We introduce ourselves. " Hi." "Hiii." and scramble to make small talk "Do you know anything about the professor? So the syllabus..." Let's call her B.

9:11:20--girl (let's call her G) with ear buds walks in during our attempt to bond over the impending class. Apparently she can hear, though. She helpfully adds in, " My friend took this class last semester. She said the professor is really boring but if you read the books it's really easy." Well no shit. Next you're going to tell me children are really hard to raise but if you feed them it'll be fine. I try to verbally roll my eyes politely by contributing "haha I never read the books for my last class," thinking I'll tap into the mutual understanding of communal slacking all students share. but B simply answers, "Oh." She is not impressed.

9:13 AM-human walks in. Girl? Boy? Lesbian? Stay tuned to find out

9:13:30 AM-girl walks in and says "HEYYY" thinking she's just really friendly, I say "Hiii and :)." But she's talking to someone she actually knows that's sitting behind me. Well that was awkward.

9:17 AM -girl comes in and sits down. Takes off jacket, revealing the shirt she's wearing underneath. It's this cool cream-colored knit/crotcheted sweater thing. Interesting, but clearly a mass version perfect for placing in H&M or Forever 21. No hate.

9:20 AM-girl walks in with the same knit/crocheted sweater thing. Oops, seems like both decided to show off new clothes they bought during the break. they both take alternating peripheral glances at each other. The slightest tension ensues--until both pretend that they did not notice. Girl 1 hunches over desk and rapidly begins jotting fake but clearly very important notes. Girl 2 subtly turns away in attempt to hide from the offending evidence as well. Girl 2 notices that I notices. Well that's awkward. She continues to catch me acknowledging the faux pas throughout the period.

9:30 AM-Professor walks in. Nice shoes, nice watch, niiicee bag, respectable suit and tie. A typical Manhattan male.

9:35 AM-Role Call. Guess what, that girl/boy/lesbian is named....Rebecca. Soft voice, yup, it's a female. Congratulations, it's a girl. But given the way she straddles her chair like she has balls to air out, lesbian-ness is not ruled out. Has the voice of a butterfly, the posture of a linebacker.

9:40 AM Summarizing of class, starting with Augustine. And we're off.

9:55 AM blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

10:00 AM sneaking glances at the clock like no other. Move over, 007. Too bad 1st graders read analog clocks faster than I do.

10:15 AM fascinating stuff, yet, I'm slowly dying...

10:30 AM Done! I'd say the semester is off to a good start, kids.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

tengo un gato in mis pantalones pero realmente no

I love stuff that is absolutely random just because. Like funny noises or Amy Sedaris or mushroom backpacks. What exactly is a mushroom backpack anyways? I have no idea but I'll think about it later while I'm helping underprivileged hippos see the statue of liberty. I think random stuff involving animals are funny; which is probably why I think I Am the Walrus and Effervescing Elephant are hilarious. Not hahahahaa hilarous, just giggle once or twice like a five year old. I'm bored but not really, fake blood is gross.

I guess I'll post something from my shop so this isn't a complete waste of a post.

Rainbow Pieces Fused Glass Necklace-White One of A Kind

Friday, January 8, 2010

Health Nut/Happy Friday

Today I had a total of 6 hashbrowns. I am ashamed and yet, my tastebuds and stomach bow down to me in worship. Today was a good day.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm watching South Park and I'm trying not to like it because of years of prejudice as I write this

There's so much I want to put here but I'm just too...lazy. I wish there was a usb for brain to computer. I hope mother and father (or any other older relative that will inevitably hold this valuable truth over my head while cackling smugly) never read this, of course they'll be like "AHA! She admits to it!" When I have spent my entire life time (and will continue for all eternity) denying that laziness will ever be a word that even touches my character. Hmm maybe I should click "delete" now and erase all evidence so that all the remains is a faint memory of my confession and then all I have to do is obliterate the memory and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED a la 1984. But onwards I shall plow, because I'm a risk-taker like that. What can I say, I live on the edge.

Do you know what else is annoying about laziness? When words require accent marks and other fancy decoration but it takes soo much more effort to copy paste or look up the shortcuts to make those ornamentation thingys.

And I forgot what I was thinking about again.

I guess I'll make a list of random "facts"

1. I had this really scary dream yesterday but it takes too much effort to describe it. Basically it was another tooth falling out nightmare. And NO, mr. dentist, it doesn't have anything to with the condition of my teeth, just another of those insight-into-your-subconscious/psyche-dreams. Comforting right, self?

2. Pretty handwriting makes me willing to read the most boring crap. Most of the time.

3. I used to be able to eat those ketchup packets that you get from fast-food restaurants. Well the ketchup inside, not the packet itself. Basically just sucking out ketchup. Thinking about it now makes me want to gag.

4. I wish I was organized for the sake of clothes and shoes and socks. Not for frivolous stuff like academic or financial reasons naw.

5. I forgot what I was thinking again

6. Still thinking

7. I feel frustrated as of this moment. Nothing serious, just enough to make me want to sigh dramatically.

8. I like the After Hours by Velvet Underground. I hate it when after hearing a song over and over again it becomes comforting, yeah but the spark that comes from listening to it for the first time disappears.

9. I still haven't remembered the thing(s) I forgot

10. I'm going to sleep now

Monday, January 4, 2010

I want a typewriter/I am extremely fond of parentheses

It is far more satisfying typing on my painfully outdated dell desktop keyboard (wow, it has a cord and everything) than it is on the soft effortless keys of my mac book. That may be the only thing I miss. Besides the occasional issues in compatibility.

See full size image

I want this. Apparently (apparently? it is!) it's made of eco-friendly bamboo and has that old-timey charm of wooden furniture.

But who uses a personal desk top anymore (besides my dad)?

And aesthetically pleasing at it is, I can't completely heart it knowing that the whole point of using man made plastics is because they were found to be far more effective, constructive and durable (the same thoughts pain me when I covet romantically lovely vintage telephones). But, it's not like I'm remotely tech-savvy or anything, so I guess it wouldn't hurt me to focus primarily on looks. And seeing as how tech stuff these days becomes obsolete within a couple years or even months, eco-friendly bamboo may be the way to go.

But this. THIS. I have no rationalization for needing this. Except that I WANT IT.

Exercise Epiphany

I've realized: Television watching and working out are not meant to be together.
I either end up turning off the noisy treadmill and sitting my ass on said treadmill in order to enjoy my favorite programs properly, or I end up loathing aforementioned programs, as 30 minutes feels excruciatingly long when jiggling around doing whatever strenuous activity. Like walking. It's a lose-lose situation. Or maybe it's a lose-win situation if I end up exercising anyways? I dunno. I'll have to ask Michael Scott.

BUT watching TV and eating salt and vinegar chips on the other hand, these two activities work SEAMLESSLY together. It's a match made in heaven. God wants me to be a fat, salty, vinagar-y lard.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back to the Future

I need a futuristic dress, but a late 60s-70s style futuristic dress that's charmingly obsolete.

I want this dress. It's graphic, it's traffic- sign eyesore-ish.

Balenciaga Spring 2010 Ready-to-Wear
these colors are more me--blue and orange is my thing--but it's a little too plain. Reminds me of 70's decor--cheap fake wood-paneling included.

from eg. Awesomely costume-y, but the fit doesn't seem that great.

Oh well, I'll have to keep searching in the great beyond.

Tomorrow (today) I will do something productive

I watched Vicky Christina Barcelona. Underwhelming, like Matchpoint and Scoop. but I consider it a task accomplished. Tomorrow I will take pictures and read a book.

Other movies I've watched this past month (and the couple days of January) : Lars and the Real Girl, Vitus, Ghost World, Up in the Air, Napoleon Dynamite, Young Victoria. Will be watching Real Girl (already watched it 3x) and Ghost World (3x too) and Napoleon D (revisted recently) over and over again. Can't tell if I really relate to the outsider status while trying to convince self I'm in it for the costume design.

What's the real reason for my liking of Tim Burton's movies?

Hmm, I think I'm in it for both.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

vocabulario espanol

1. rechazó : defeated
2. tras: after
3. exigencias: demands
4. portavoz: spokesman
5. votación: voting
6. cargo: load
7. aprobada: approved
8. Asuntos: matter/issue
9. cartera: portfolio
10. diputados: representatives
11. puestos: positions
12. clave: key
13. ratificaron: confirmed
14. titulares: holders
15. aliados: allies
16. occidentales: western

Friday, January 1, 2010


1. superhero/animal mask (enid in Ghost World)
2. eyepatch
3. apron (a la alice in wonderland)
4. cape

No witty title

Jazzy Jersey dress
I like this dress. I liked it when I first saw it about a year ago and I still like it. But it's from Spring '08 so...yeah. Not much chance of getting it.

by prairie underground