Monday, January 25, 2010

You Betcha!/Dumb

All the people who support Sarah Palin and other similarly incompetent famous persons, I wish they would state sound reasons regarding WHY they support her instead of shaking their heads at the critics and deeming them merely as "haters."  Tell me that you don't support abortion because it's "killing a life" fine. That you support abstinence.  That you believe illegal immigrants affect the well-being of our country.  That imposing democracy is the only way.  Fine.  But when you fail to have reasons to back up your beliefs, there's a problem.  Too often they have nothing to say besides enveloping everything within "intolerance for their point of view" Those poor conservatives, always the minority.

And sometimes I feel like being irrational myself, and just saying, "You don't have a different opinion, YOU'RE JUST WRONG."

Ahem.  Mature? Yes I am.

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