Monday, January 25, 2010

Let's be Passive Aggressive/Boys and Girls, Girls and Boys

I love how when one female says to another female "oh_____, I love you," it could be the greatest diss in the world.  Same with "Haha OMG, you're so cute!"

I also love when people make it look like they're about to say something and then sigh dramatically and  go "oh...nevermind" and then either keep on fake mumbling to themselves to try to get you to ask "WHAT." or act like a martyr for not voicing their backhanded compliment aloud.  Gee, thanks for  being so considerate.

And it's just super awesome when you're having stifled conversation and he/she snickers at every answer you say.  WHAT, WHAT'S SO FUNNY ABOUT CROCHETING POTHOLDERS IN MY SPARE TIME?

Recently, I was reading Medea, and of course the plot/main source of conflict was the apparent differences between a man and a woman. No, this isn't biology class, stop giggling, I'm talking about the other difference. How, apparently, Jason, was the epitome of masculinity because of his supposed rationality, which was most expertly displayed through his eloquent speeches. And tomboy Medea could never be like that, no matter how much she tried because of the typical womanly wiles which made her all pms-y and emotional and stuff (What kind of wuss gets emotional and angry when her husband abandons her for another woman and subsequently leaves her to be a social outcast?) , the same excuses that kept Mrs. Clinton from being the head of the White House 'cause God FORBID she decided to launch a nuclear war or something because it was that time of the month (yeah yeah there were other reasons but this isn't a political rant--not that I'm capable of that anyways).

But then I was thinking, this is SO UNTRUE. Hello, if you've ever been a female between the ages of 4 and 89, you'd know that girls are queen of squashing the lesser with bullying demagoguery. And that boys are the ones that let their testosterone-y emotions get the better of them and start giving each other black eyes while girls can do the same thing verbally and emotionally while smiling the WHOLE time. Who's the more "rational" sex now, huh?

Not that it's anything to brag about, either way, it's a real catch-22 for ladies. No matter which situation it is, boys are made out to be the cool kids that everyone wants to be: they're either calm and logical, or adorably, endearingly, simple. Not so for the girls-- we're either the weaker sex, or the evil sex, yay, it's hard to decide which one is more awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristyfrution,
    I love your writing style it is very comical and humourous. Thankyou for checking out my blog.
