Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm watching South Park and I'm trying not to like it because of years of prejudice as I write this

There's so much I want to put here but I'm just too...lazy. I wish there was a usb for brain to computer. I hope mother and father (or any other older relative that will inevitably hold this valuable truth over my head while cackling smugly) never read this, of course they'll be like "AHA! She admits to it!" When I have spent my entire life time (and will continue for all eternity) denying that laziness will ever be a word that even touches my character. Hmm maybe I should click "delete" now and erase all evidence so that all the remains is a faint memory of my confession and then all I have to do is obliterate the memory and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED a la 1984. But onwards I shall plow, because I'm a risk-taker like that. What can I say, I live on the edge.

Do you know what else is annoying about laziness? When words require accent marks and other fancy decoration but it takes soo much more effort to copy paste or look up the shortcuts to make those ornamentation thingys.

And I forgot what I was thinking about again.

I guess I'll make a list of random "facts"

1. I had this really scary dream yesterday but it takes too much effort to describe it. Basically it was another tooth falling out nightmare. And NO, mr. dentist, it doesn't have anything to with the condition of my teeth, just another of those insight-into-your-subconscious/psyche-dreams. Comforting right, self?

2. Pretty handwriting makes me willing to read the most boring crap. Most of the time.

3. I used to be able to eat those ketchup packets that you get from fast-food restaurants. Well the ketchup inside, not the packet itself. Basically just sucking out ketchup. Thinking about it now makes me want to gag.

4. I wish I was organized for the sake of clothes and shoes and socks. Not for frivolous stuff like academic or financial reasons naw.

5. I forgot what I was thinking again

6. Still thinking

7. I feel frustrated as of this moment. Nothing serious, just enough to make me want to sigh dramatically.

8. I like the After Hours by Velvet Underground. I hate it when after hearing a song over and over again it becomes comforting, yeah but the spark that comes from listening to it for the first time disappears.

9. I still haven't remembered the thing(s) I forgot

10. I'm going to sleep now

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