Tuesday, January 19, 2010

classroom education

9:11 AM- walk into class, one other girl there. We introduce ourselves. " Hi." "Hiii." and scramble to make small talk "Do you know anything about the professor? So the syllabus..." Let's call her B.

9:11:20--girl (let's call her G) with ear buds walks in during our attempt to bond over the impending class. Apparently she can hear, though. She helpfully adds in, " My friend took this class last semester. She said the professor is really boring but if you read the books it's really easy." Well no shit. Next you're going to tell me children are really hard to raise but if you feed them it'll be fine. I try to verbally roll my eyes politely by contributing "haha I never read the books for my last class," thinking I'll tap into the mutual understanding of communal slacking all students share. but B simply answers, "Oh." She is not impressed.

9:13 AM-human walks in. Girl? Boy? Lesbian? Stay tuned to find out

9:13:30 AM-girl walks in and says "HEYYY" thinking she's just really friendly, I say "Hiii and :)." But she's talking to someone she actually knows that's sitting behind me. Well that was awkward.

9:17 AM -girl comes in and sits down. Takes off jacket, revealing the shirt she's wearing underneath. It's this cool cream-colored knit/crotcheted sweater thing. Interesting, but clearly a mass version perfect for placing in H&M or Forever 21. No hate.

9:20 AM-girl walks in with the same knit/crocheted sweater thing. Oops, seems like both decided to show off new clothes they bought during the break. they both take alternating peripheral glances at each other. The slightest tension ensues--until both pretend that they did not notice. Girl 1 hunches over desk and rapidly begins jotting fake but clearly very important notes. Girl 2 subtly turns away in attempt to hide from the offending evidence as well. Girl 2 notices that I notices. Well that's awkward. She continues to catch me acknowledging the faux pas throughout the period.

9:30 AM-Professor walks in. Nice shoes, nice watch, niiicee bag, respectable suit and tie. A typical Manhattan male.

9:35 AM-Role Call. Guess what, that girl/boy/lesbian is named....Rebecca. Soft voice, yup, it's a female. Congratulations, it's a girl. But given the way she straddles her chair like she has balls to air out, lesbian-ness is not ruled out. Has the voice of a butterfly, the posture of a linebacker.

9:40 AM Summarizing of class, starting with Augustine. And we're off.

9:55 AM blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

10:00 AM sneaking glances at the clock like no other. Move over, 007. Too bad 1st graders read analog clocks faster than I do.

10:15 AM fascinating stuff, yet, I'm slowly dying...

10:30 AM Done! I'd say the semester is off to a good start, kids.

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